First things first…

Once upon a time Mark and I decided to go on an Italian vacation. We visited Rome and the island of Ponza. We drank amazing coffee, ate amazing meals, and drank delicious wine. Lots of delicious wine! We swam in the sea, rode scooters on windy roads and played music with the most famous musician in all of Ponza. Suffice it to say we had a really, really good time.

We had such a good time that two weeks after we got back from Italy we discovered I was pregnant. Though we didn’t expect this souvenir from our trip, we realized it was a complete blessing and embraced the future. I had a healthy pregnancy and Mark and I decided to get married shortly (very shortly) before Liam was born.

On June 1st, 2010, after about 12 hours of labor, I gave birth to our little guy. Having a natural birth was very important to me, and I was so proud of myself and appreciative of the support I received that made that happen. Liam was 5 days early, incredibly healthy and strong, in short we couldn’t possibly be more grateful.

And so our new life began. A life where we functioned on less sleep than I ever thought possible. A life where much of our time went into childproofing a cabin on a hill with two unfinished decks 25 feet above the ground. We still go out to restaurants, we still play music and paint and write, we still go hiking and we still travel. Since we just got back from a 20 day jaunt in Europe, it seemed like the perfect time to start this blog and tell the world about Liam’s adventures.

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